The birth of contemporary Silicon Valley is accelerating the slow death of Washington bureaucracy. How we rebuild civic institutions will define the American experiment for decades.
You've given a precise voice to a thought I'd had over the last few years: creating a product/service in the private sector seems more likely to effect change than creating policy in the public sector. Much better articulated, and with sources and reasons to boot. Great post!
I’m a Product Manager that co-founded a venture-backed startup years ago and have spent the past few years building in both Federal and State government. One big lesson I’ve learned is procurement reform is a key short to medium horizon fix that’s needed to make things better. Government will continue to buy software to deliver services in which the private sector hasn’t figure out how to serve yet. Think child welfare, Medicaid, etc. As governments figure out how to buy technology better and smarter, more and more private sector companies can be a part of the solution. Witnessing procurement reform in my day job combined with other trends across all levels of government such as finally understanding APIs to enable data liquidity is giving me hope ;)
You've given a precise voice to a thought I'd had over the last few years: creating a product/service in the private sector seems more likely to effect change than creating policy in the public sector. Much better articulated, and with sources and reasons to boot. Great post!
I'll second that.
I’m a Product Manager that co-founded a venture-backed startup years ago and have spent the past few years building in both Federal and State government. One big lesson I’ve learned is procurement reform is a key short to medium horizon fix that’s needed to make things better. Government will continue to buy software to deliver services in which the private sector hasn’t figure out how to serve yet. Think child welfare, Medicaid, etc. As governments figure out how to buy technology better and smarter, more and more private sector companies can be a part of the solution. Witnessing procurement reform in my day job combined with other trends across all levels of government such as finally understanding APIs to enable data liquidity is giving me hope ;)